Fix rottenwood end floor joist
Fix rottenwood end floor joist

fix rottenwood end floor joist

So basically, tackling 6 joists at a time. Since our dining room is so large, we repaired the joists in two parts, splitting the room in half. This was probably the scariest part, because we’ve never used acro-props before and if we were to set it up wrong, it would be game over. So the first thing we had to do was support whole floor so that it didn’t totally collapse during work.

fix rottenwood end floor joist

But luckily for us, it was just the ends that were rotten. If the rot had spread further onto the joist then we certainly couldn’t have used this method and potentially the whole joist would have had to be replaced, or we’d needed to have bolted a new piece of timber along side it to strengthen it. This method is only suitable if it’s just the ends of the joists that are rotten. How do I explain this DIY without photos to accompany it? If only I had whipped out the big camera and not used my phone. So frustrating that I haven’t blogged since. Not having photo memories of this part of our renovation is hugely frustrating, but not being able to create a proper blog post is even more frustrating. Even though I had manually uploaded them! I believe the pesky iCloud system had something to do with it and I’ve spent hours researching and trying to get them back, to no avail (yes, I checked the recently deleted folder!). I uploaded all the photos to my mac, deleted all the photos from my phone after uploading and they were gone, from both. The only saving grace was that I didn’t lose any our holiday snaps on our trip to Venice taken at the beginning of January. That included some of the most exciting stuff – the arrival of our new kitchen, all the painting, the last of the tiling, as well as the biggest DIY we’ve taken to date – repairing the rotten joists. One of the reasons I stopped blogging for so long was because I managed to delete ALL the renovation photos off my phone from January till about April. Please always get advice before carrying out your own building work*

fix rottenwood end floor joist

*Not a tutorial, just info on what we did.

Fix rottenwood end floor joist